Introducing any dog in to your family is a major decision and requires much research into the various breeds. If you have decided that the Polish Lowland Sheepdog (PON) is the breed for you then what do you do next? You will probably have read about them on web sites, seen many pictures, possibly even spoken to some breeders but take a minute to consider again whether this is really the breed for you:
If possible try to meet one or two breeders, so that you can get to know them and they you. Try and see PONs at home. A good way to see a number of breeders is at one of the many dog shows throughout the country. It will also be a good chance to see many PONs together. But don’t forget PON owners are very biased towards their breed and you really need to see them wet and muddy covered in leaves and twigs after they have crawled through the hedge. Do look at the gallery to see PONS that have not been prepared for showing.
They are strong, willful characters who need early training and socialization - are you prepared to invest time in them when they are young? Only by doing so will you have a dog that is a pleasure to live with as their ability to learn good and bad habits is vast; their coats need regular grooming and shaggy dogs in Winter (& Summer) can get very wet and muddy; they are long livers PONs have been known to live up to 16 years of age, are you prepared to commit yourself to your PON for the duration of its lifetime? PON's are not easily available - are you prepared to wait for anything up to 12 months and to travel anywhere in the country?
If you are convinced that this is the breed for you, then you’re next step should be to get first hand information from breeders, but how do you find a responsible breeder?
What is a Responsible Breeder?
A responsible breeder is someone who is dedicated to always learning about the breed and to breed improvement.
They only breed from dogs free from hereditary disease and sound in mind and body and never breed just to sell puppies to make money and will offer written guarantees regarding health, the future welfare of the puppy and the upbringing it’s already had.
Responsible breeders are prepared to spend time screening potential owners, welcome you to their homes to see their dogs, offer continued support and advice throughout the PONs life and offer help for your PON, should your circumstances change. Be prepared to be interrogated, if the breeder doesn’t ask you all about yourself, your family, your home, your reasons for wanting a PON, your knowledge of the breed etc ask yourself why.
If you have never seen a PON, which is quite often the case, it is advisable to see some adults first before you see any puppies. Then you will have a good idea of what the mature dog looks like. A good way to see PONs and a number of owners is at the many Championship Shows around the country.
What do I need to know?
You need to check that both the sire (father) and dam (mother) have been scored for hip dysplasia, under the KC/BVA scheme. Ask the breeder what the scores are. Check that both have been KC/BVA eye tested within the last 12 months and were clear at the time of mating. You are perfectly entitled to ask to see the documentation to verify the breeders answers. Ask questions about the temperament of the sire and dam, and ancestors. Is this a repeat mating of a previous litter, how did they turn out? Ask whether the puppies will be vaccinated beforehand or have any veterinary health checks.
Ask if the breeder would take the puppy back should your circumstances change and you find you can no longer keep it
Ask if there are any conditions attached to sale of the puppy. If there are, these should be explained to you fully before you purchase the puppy. If there is anything you do not understand then ask the breeder to explain any conditions to you again.
What Should I expect from the Breeder?
When you go to see a litter of puppies they should be strong and active, with outgoing personalities. The breeder should show you the dam and sire, if they are also the owner. The puppies should be housed in clean conditions, with plenty of fresh water, toys for socialization and should look healthy and happy.
The breeder should explain what they are being fed, what their daily routine is, what health treatments they have had and show you how to care for the coat, showing you the right brushes and combs to use and how to groom the dog.
When you collect your puppy you should have a diet sheet showing type of food, amount of food and feeding times. Many breeders will give you food to take away with you to get you started. You should have a record of worming treatments and dates for when they are next due, along with details of the type of product used. Some breeders will give a piece of the puppy’s bed to take away to help settle them the first few nights.
You should be given the KC transfer document, signed by the breeder, if it is available at the time. Kennel club registration can take a while so it may be that the breeder is still waiting for it. If so, ask when you can expect to receive it. You should expect your breeder to always be available on the end of the phone for advice and support.
Any member of the Committee will be happy to answer questions about the breed and put you in touch with a responsible breeder. You may wish to talk to a number of breeders until you are happy that you have found someone that you can trust and respect.